My friend was game for going to the needlework store with me (truly a BFF, is she not?) so we headed over there this morning. Waiting for me was this:

The design is from Birds of a Feather and called Kindness Sampler (I think). I stitched it on 36 ct. Meadowlark with one strand WDW over two.
Also, this:

This is Blackbird Designs Strawberry Garden, which I stitched on 40 ct. creme brulee with whatever threads the chart called for, can't really recall right now, but I did use just one strand.
The above pictures were taken with them sitting on some easels I got at Pier One, they were very cheap. Like under $10 for both of them. Maybe under $7, something like that. Anyhoo...took these pics inside, then took some outside and because I care about y'all so much, here are those pics too (just in case you'd like to see in natural light:

(Oh my gosh, i just clicked on these to make sure they were showing up and they are HUGE!! I have no idea why they're so big...sorry about that).
So anyway, with these sitting on their easels until I decide where to hang them, I looked around my living room and thought, gosh, there sure is a
lot of stitching stuff around here. Finished stitching all over the walls, television console, fireplace mantle...then there's all the stitching STUFF, covering the fireplace hearth (almost entirely and what's not stitching is books and magazines)with is next to my stitching chair. It's
really shameful and I
should be embarrassed about it but really, I don't let many people into my house that don't love me, and those that do don't care, which is the way it should be, right? Anyway, my friend said her husband would
never let her get away with that. He also restricts how much stitching she hangs on the walls.
So I realize (once again) how blessed my life is that I have such a great hubby and family that indulge me and let me do my "thing".
All. Over. The. House.