One thing about my stat counter for this here blog is that I can check and see just where people who visit it are coming from, if I'm so inclined.
Which can be pretty dang funny.
One particular Google search that shows up in my stats on a regular basis is a search for a "deep fried brownie recipe". Suppose my blog shows up because of the name of it and because I had a brownie recipe not too long ago. And I suspect that with the Texas State Fair just around the corner, these kind of searches will show up more often.
The food vendors at the fair try and come up with all sorts of different deep fried things every year. The local news stations cover it on a daily basis.
Last year, "deep fried coke" was the big thing. It was all anyone could talk about in relation to the fair.
We tried it and didn't like it. All it consisted of was fried donut holes (I'm supposing with coke in the batter), piled in a cup with some coke or some kind of syrup poured over it and some cheap, canned whipped cream sprayed over....blah.
This year we've heard about deep fried Oreos, avocados and snickers bars.
Hmmm. Maybe I'm down with trying the avocado, just a bite.
Anyway...sorry to all of you peeps looking for how to deep fry a brownie. I'm sure it's delish (?) but I don't even know how to deep fry a cupcake and that's my name, so I can be of no help to you.'s something I finished in the stitching department:

It's an old Ewe & Eye & Friends called "In the Pink". Somewhere I have seen this finished up as a little bag with little white buttons along the top. It was
adorable and it's how I'd like to finish this off too.
Still working on the Queen Bee and almost done. Stitching has been slow this week due to a pinched nerve in my shoulder :(
Sure don't like it when I can't stitch as much as I want, or need to, know what I mean?