This morning
Rachel let me know she'd given me the Kreativ Blogger Award, how fun! Thank you!
Here are the rules:
1 The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2 Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3 Nominate 5 blogs.
4 Put links to the blogs.5 Leave a message for your nominees.
And here are my five nominations, so many have already received this award, but these are some of my favorite blogs :)
Michelle Native Texan Stitching Abroad
Sharon Sharon's Cross Stitch Obsession
Pam Have It All
Jackie My Bloggy & Me
Melissa Musings From A Three Bedroom Ranch
I need to go let these gals know I nominated them, but first, some rambling thoughts...
it's HOT here. Ugh. All I can think about during summer is finding a cool spot and then
not moving. And definitely not sweating....
Day Four of No Soda and I haven't killed anyone yet, so far, so good, but the headache is about to kill
we have a house mouse and it only likes sweet stuff! We've moved all food stuffs up high (did you know mice can climb? oh
yes they can), but he's not interested in chips or corn tortillas or even bread, oh no, he tried to chew the lid off my International Suisse Mocha Coffee....I was reluctant to kill little Mickey Mouse, but his butt is
mine now!
And I took this test...
and am laughing
pretty hard that I did so well! Who woulda thunk it?