SO, I knew my "blogoversary" was in October but because I am
so very on top of everything around here, I just decided not to celebrate it until November! OK? It was totally intentional you see!
SO, to celebrate my two whole years of blogging joy, I'm offering this little cutie pie for a prize....

It's from Lizzie Kate and is called Acorn Scissor Case. It comes with the cute little premade polka dot case, two tiny orange buttons, an acorn button and an acorn fob for your scissors. TOO CUTE, I tell ya what!

SO, if you're interested in winning this small but terribly adorable gift, leave a comment on
this post. That's it, even if you've never commented before, it's OK!
I'll leave the post open until Thursday, November 13th, at 6 pm CST. Then
we'll use that "random number generator" thingy to pick a winner! And then you, the winner, can so totally have this stitched up before Thanksgiving, right? That or stash it until next year I guess ;-)
Good luck!
(Oh, and PS. Please pray or think good thoughts for our little Muttley pug, who has not been feeling well for over a week now. He's been to the vet and is on medication but is not over it yet....we are all a wee bit tearful over the whole matter.
Thanks y'all)!