is Tricia!
(no blog)
There were 35 stitchers names that I entered into the random generator thingy, in the order the comments were received, and this is what it came up with....
There were 35 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
11.Jan P.
20.Dee L
26.John (Pam)
32.Kathy N.
Timestamp: 2009-06-27 17:20:45 UTC
Congratulations Tricia! I'm off to email you now!
Thanks everyone for playing along and letting me know you're on the dark side too ;-)
June 27, 2009
June 24, 2009
link for the angel ornament

Several of you have asked where I got the tombstone angel ornament, so I wanted to let y'all know...(in case you don't win the drawing on Sat.), that I got them from the Bay of Evil (as I've heard it called...I for one, love ebay!)...anyhoo...this seller, stitchinthedayaway was lovely to deal with! I don't know her personally, but thought these were very reasonably priced, and her shipping charges were good as well! Not to mention, these are adorable in person :-)
June 22, 2009
split personality (& a giveaway)
Yep, Terri was right when she guessed that I was referring to a tombstone sampler in my last post!

While I love the cute, with Shepherd's Bush, etc. (not to mention my love for Mary Engelbreit), I am drawn to the dark side...

and this little design from The Primitive Needle features one of my favorite tombie sayings

I stitched this little sampler on 36 ct. PTP Ale linen over two with one strand WDW Onyx....a very enjoyable stitch!

Any other morbid fans out there? If you'd like to have this little chart, AND a beeswax tombstone angel ornament (like the one pictured here) of your very own

just let me know on this post and I'll have a drawing on Saturday, the 27th, for a winner! And if you want to stitch it with the WDW Onyx, let me know that as well, and I'll include it with the prizes :-) Let your tombie friends know, they can enter their names too!

While I love the cute, with Shepherd's Bush, etc. (not to mention my love for Mary Engelbreit), I am drawn to the dark side...

and this little design from The Primitive Needle features one of my favorite tombie sayings

I stitched this little sampler on 36 ct. PTP Ale linen over two with one strand WDW Onyx....a very enjoyable stitch!

Any other morbid fans out there? If you'd like to have this little chart, AND a beeswax tombstone angel ornament (like the one pictured here) of your very own

just let me know on this post and I'll have a drawing on Saturday, the 27th, for a winner! And if you want to stitch it with the WDW Onyx, let me know that as well, and I'll include it with the prizes :-) Let your tombie friends know, they can enter their names too!
June 18, 2009
an old wip and some little finishes
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me on the last post, it sure was helpful to have some opinions on the matter. I've decided to just leave the framed sampler as it is....I had lived with it for all the years that it awaited a frame, (TEN!) so there's really no good reason to freak out over the missing parts now...
And speaking of things that are ten years old, here's an oldie from Ewe & Eye & Friends that has been in the WIP box for a looooooooooong time....

I feel pretty certain that I did not start on this in 1999, but that's the date on it....

had all of it done but filling in the grass area...and it's really shameful how long this was waiting for me to do that part...

After finishing up that, I was in a patriotic mood, so I pulled out this little quickie kit from Shepherd's Bush...

as you might guess, it's called Peace for All....

And of course, I cannot do just one SB design at a time, and this one had been calling my name...

it's called Glad Heart

such a joy to stitch

I especially loved the cherries on this!

From bright and cheerful to terribly morbid, that's me....wait until you see the next thing I'm working on, lol!
And speaking of things that are ten years old, here's an oldie from Ewe & Eye & Friends that has been in the WIP box for a looooooooooong time....

I feel pretty certain that I did not start on this in 1999, but that's the date on it....

had all of it done but filling in the grass area...and it's really shameful how long this was waiting for me to do that part...

After finishing up that, I was in a patriotic mood, so I pulled out this little quickie kit from Shepherd's Bush...

as you might guess, it's called Peace for All....

And of course, I cannot do just one SB design at a time, and this one had been calling my name...

it's called Glad Heart

such a joy to stitch

I especially loved the cherries on this!

From bright and cheerful to terribly morbid, that's me....wait until you see the next thing I'm working on, lol!
June 12, 2009
finally framed!
This one only took me exactly ten years to get framed....and no good reason for that time frame, just that I had other stuff framed instead, and pushed this one to the back of the line....
(this is the indoor shot)

and here's the outdoor shot....

This is from Little by Little Designs, and is called "Tale of This & That Sampler".
(OH CRAP! I just saw a picture of this design HERE! and realized that the cover model shows the designers name and date stitched in the cartouche along the top! Now that I look at mine, it looks BARE!!! OMG, did I just completely mess this up??? I can't believe that I would leave that off! And there are also other initials added that I didn't do. What the heck?? Should I redo it??)

It was the first thing I'd ever stitched on hand dyed linen with silk threads, and good golly Miss Molly, was I ever hooked after that, lol!

And here's my little "Be Kind" by Homespun Elegance that I stitched earlier this year. The frame is also from Homespun Elegance.

Now I'm thinking I need to go ahead and stitch the "Be True" that was on the same chart....had talked myself out of doing it, mainly because I was ready to work on something Shepherd's Bush at the time. Hmmm....
Thanks for visiting! Have a good weekend y'all!
(this is the indoor shot)

and here's the outdoor shot....

This is from Little by Little Designs, and is called "Tale of This & That Sampler".
(OH CRAP! I just saw a picture of this design HERE! and realized that the cover model shows the designers name and date stitched in the cartouche along the top! Now that I look at mine, it looks BARE!!! OMG, did I just completely mess this up??? I can't believe that I would leave that off! And there are also other initials added that I didn't do. What the heck?? Should I redo it??)

It was the first thing I'd ever stitched on hand dyed linen with silk threads, and good golly Miss Molly, was I ever hooked after that, lol!

And here's my little "Be Kind" by Homespun Elegance that I stitched earlier this year. The frame is also from Homespun Elegance.

Now I'm thinking I need to go ahead and stitch the "Be True" that was on the same chart....had talked myself out of doing it, mainly because I was ready to work on something Shepherd's Bush at the time. Hmmm....
Thanks for visiting! Have a good weekend y'all!
June 06, 2009
earth sampler
Oh what fun I had stitching this one!

It was very enjoyable, right down to the last stitch :-)

It was stitched on the recommended Ale linen (from Picture This Plus), I used 36 count, with the threads called for except I used GAST Cinnamon for the bunny because the Sable I had was just Ugly, (if you look ugly up in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure you'll see my skein of Sable)!

So what is it with this designer anyway? I just love all of her designs! Not to mention, she's cute as a button! She just doesn't know how to put out something I don't like!
Astro says "Hey y'all! Have a great weekend!"

And you know, with the look on his face, you'd better do it :-)

It was very enjoyable, right down to the last stitch :-)

It was stitched on the recommended Ale linen (from Picture This Plus), I used 36 count, with the threads called for except I used GAST Cinnamon for the bunny because the Sable I had was just Ugly, (if you look ugly up in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure you'll see my skein of Sable)!

So what is it with this designer anyway? I just love all of her designs! Not to mention, she's cute as a button! She just doesn't know how to put out something I don't like!
Astro says "Hey y'all! Have a great weekend!"

And you know, with the look on his face, you'd better do it :-)
June 05, 2009
sweet summertime treat
My friend Sheri gave me the recipe for this ice cream dessert she is famous for. It was something she always brought to our stitch group lake retreats, by our request...we lived for this!
Here's a picture of what the whole thing looks like....

my family demolished it soon after this picture and in the frenzy, I didn't get a picture of the layers, so use your imagination...
Here's what you need:
1 package Oreo cookies, crushed, with about 1/2 to 3/4 cup crumbs reserved for topping
1 stick melted butter
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream (I use Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla), softened enough to be spreadable
1 can Hershey's chocolate syrup
1 tub Cool Whip, thawed
In 9x13 pan, mix Oreo crumbs with melted butter and pat down evenly. Spread softened ice cream (all of it) over Oreo layer, freeze until firm.
Next, pour whole can of syrup over ice cream layer, freeze again until syrup hardens.
Spread Cool Whip over top of syrup layer and then top with reserved Oreo crumbs. Freeze until firm again or serve immediately. (the easiest way to cut this is with a metal spatula, in my opinion :-)
So easy, and yet so good! I'm wondering about different combinations of cookies and maybe Nutter Butters and caramel syrup...hmm, the possibilities could be endless....I'll get back with you on that. Blue Bell is on sale at the grocery store this week ;-)
Here's a picture of what the whole thing looks like....

my family demolished it soon after this picture and in the frenzy, I didn't get a picture of the layers, so use your imagination...
Here's what you need:
1 package Oreo cookies, crushed, with about 1/2 to 3/4 cup crumbs reserved for topping
1 stick melted butter
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream (I use Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla), softened enough to be spreadable
1 can Hershey's chocolate syrup
1 tub Cool Whip, thawed
In 9x13 pan, mix Oreo crumbs with melted butter and pat down evenly. Spread softened ice cream (all of it) over Oreo layer, freeze until firm.
Next, pour whole can of syrup over ice cream layer, freeze again until syrup hardens.
Spread Cool Whip over top of syrup layer and then top with reserved Oreo crumbs. Freeze until firm again or serve immediately. (the easiest way to cut this is with a metal spatula, in my opinion :-)
So easy, and yet so good! I'm wondering about different combinations of cookies and maybe Nutter Butters and caramel syrup...hmm, the possibilities could be endless....I'll get back with you on that. Blue Bell is on sale at the grocery store this week ;-)
June 02, 2009
almost half way there
In our little family, two birthdays mark the mid-way point of the year, one falls on June 30th and the other one, on July 1st. Happy times. And this year, more so than ever as it means I'll be halfway done with 2009, which so far has done nothing but kick my patootie!!
Anyhoo, I'll spare you all the gory details, and just offer up some pretty pictures instead :-)
Here is my Cape Cod Girls....

design by The Primitive Needle and stitched on 36 ct. PTP Highland with recommended threads....

and this is Westwinds, by Carriage House Samplings...

which I stitched on some unknown 32 ct. linen with recommended NPI silks. I wasn't that happy with the coverage of one strand over two, but was already halfway done when I decided that, so I just kept stitching and tried not to think about it ;-)

this birdie was my favorite part of the whole thing!

Here are my boys....
Astro, soakin' up some sunshine....

and Muttley, who is too busy worrying about what's in my hand (maybe it's FOOD!!) to pose for a cute picture....

and while we were outside, I snapped a picture of this old cross stitch that's sitting in my Fuchsia plant....

If I recall correctly, it was from a Debbie Mumm kit...these used to be one of my favorite things to stitch in the 90's....she had some Christmas ornament kits I did as well, all on plastic canvas and I can remember having to use a leather thimble on my finger while stitching, otherwise it would bleed from pushing the needle through with all that thread on it...thinking it was at least three strands...

This little chick has held up pretty well over the years, she's been chewed on, gotten wet, sunburned, dirty...but she's still here. Hmm, kinda like me, lol!
Anyhoo, I'll spare you all the gory details, and just offer up some pretty pictures instead :-)
Here is my Cape Cod Girls....

design by The Primitive Needle and stitched on 36 ct. PTP Highland with recommended threads....

and this is Westwinds, by Carriage House Samplings...

which I stitched on some unknown 32 ct. linen with recommended NPI silks. I wasn't that happy with the coverage of one strand over two, but was already halfway done when I decided that, so I just kept stitching and tried not to think about it ;-)

this birdie was my favorite part of the whole thing!

Here are my boys....
Astro, soakin' up some sunshine....

and Muttley, who is too busy worrying about what's in my hand (maybe it's FOOD!!) to pose for a cute picture....

and while we were outside, I snapped a picture of this old cross stitch that's sitting in my Fuchsia plant....

If I recall correctly, it was from a Debbie Mumm kit...these used to be one of my favorite things to stitch in the 90's....she had some Christmas ornament kits I did as well, all on plastic canvas and I can remember having to use a leather thimble on my finger while stitching, otherwise it would bleed from pushing the needle through with all that thread on it...thinking it was at least three strands...

This little chick has held up pretty well over the years, she's been chewed on, gotten wet, sunburned, dirty...but she's still here. Hmm, kinda like me, lol!
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