...is that although you might have to wear reading glasses to see your linen while stitching...

when you take them off, you don't see the pug hair or the twisty stitches!

The America Pillow
by Handwork Primitives
32 ct. unknown linen (calls for Sparrow by BOAF)
Gentle Art Sampler Threads
Here's my patriotic finish for the 4th, just a wee bit late! Started in June, this one took me forever it seemed, all of that border! I decided before starting on it, that I would not railroad my stitches, (something I usually do when stitching with two threads because I tend to twist my thread a lot while stitching), as that takes a lot more time for me. And since this will be a pillow that the dogs will just shed on, who's ever going to know that my stitches aren't flat? And I certainly can't tell without my glasses!
Here's another benefit of my getting older....I DON'T EVEN CARE ANYMORE! Life is just too short to fuss over such things. At least for me anyway! I have doggies to kiss, people to hug, pies to make...you get the picture!
Gotta run, Muttley is whining because his tennis ball is under the coffee table!
Have a Happy Weekend!