Muttley is now a little over 6 months old. We've clipped his nails once before, no problems. Then his brother Astro had a nail break off in a weird place, and we had to cut it down, which caused blood and much squirming, all of which Muttley was witness to. So when he did his nails later, he wasn't too happy, but he cooperated for the most part (although when I was done, he jumped down and actually looked over his legs and paws to see what I had done to them).
Fast forward two weeks, time to clip again. First big brother, then Muttley.
Astro squirms, but tolerates it cause he knows there will be treats afterwards.
Muttley, to say "not so much" would be putting it mildly.
I have never heard a Pug scream until now. We seriously thought he was going to have a heart attack he was so freaked out. I got one nail clipped and after that, every time I even got near the next nail with the clippers, he would scream and cry and try to fling himself out the window. So one nail is done and that's it.
And now, I'm sitting here trying to figure out what the heck we're going to do for the remainder of his life, which is hopefully a long one, where we can't even touch a nail with the clippers without him having hysterical fits....
Any ideas?