Just kidding. I am pretty random about posting, true. I admire those gals that can find something to blog about almost every day. Me, it takes a while, ha!
So anyway, one of my very favorite bloggers, Terri(boog) had a drawing for her regular readers/commenter's, and yours truly won! I just couldn't believe it in the first place and then when the package showed up, I was in even more disbelief!
Look at the wonderful treasures she sent me:

A beautiful Longaberger basket full of treats and treasures! Fabric bundles (plus the wonderful BBD fabric the basket and goodies are sitting on), thread bobbins, rick-rack, pincushion, tape measure, dish full of buttons (squee!), vintage hankies, mother of pearl thread rings....

love these so much...

plus, some CHS stocking charts!

Such good taste in designs, don't you think?

Terri didn't know that I'd already done the Noah one, so I asked her if it was OK to offer it here and she said yes! So, if you'd like to have a chance at the NOAH stocking chart, please let me know that in your comment and I will draw a name for it next Wednesday, March 31. I have big plans for the Virtue Stocking, so it's not up for draw just yet ;-)
Thank you again Terri, for everything!! You just made my whole month with your sweet presents, and I treasure your friendship more than anything!
OK, on to the stitching news. I have been stitching on a couple of things, mainly this though:

Sorry for the wrinkles and curls, stitching in hand, things get crumpled, plus, it's big, so it's hard to get a good shot anyway...

but considering how long it's been since I'd last worked on it, I am proud of myself for picking it back up again and making a little progress....

MORE SNOW!! Yep, we got six inches on the first day of spring. That's big for us! I'm so over winter though, aren't you?

Well, in Pug news, one of them (Astro)thought he was Super Pug and jumped off the arm of the couch on to the tile part of the floor and when he landed hard on all four paws, one of his nails cracked right into the quick. Oh boy, did he bleed!!(His nails were way too long because ever since we brought Muttley home and he has conniption fits over nail clipping, he decided he could act the same, so it's a big production now and sometimes they get too long, talk about a bad doggie mom!) Anyway, we bandaged, and he was so sad about all the tape over the gauze, which he had to wear for a whole day before we could get him in to the vets office....

she took care of business (which I was afraid to do since it was so deep), and sent us home with antibiotics to keep infection away, and Astro wants me to tell y'all, this is the PUG APPROVED way of taking a pill:

(if you're a friend on Facebook, you've already seen this, so I'm sorry for the repeat...modern technology these days, lol!....like a friend says, now everyone can know at once when there's earth shattering news to share ;-) )
That's all I have for now dear readers! Don't forget to let me know if you're interested in the Noah chart, or if you have a friend that may be wanting it...
I will leave you now with just a random picture, I was just playing in the bowl of buttons with my CHS pincushions and liked this picture....