Sorry for the blog break, I was recovering from Thanksgiving! We really had a nice one, despite one particular relative driving me absolutely
insane, the food was all good and my hubby and kids said it was the best Thanksgiving meal I'd ever cooked.
So I thought I'd share my secret. I know it's a little late, but maybe you can keep it in mind for next year.
Are you ready?
Here it is:

And just in case you can't figure out how to get it out of the can, it comes with instructions. Oh yes, it does!!

Somehow I'm picturing you all with a face similar to this one:

LOL! Just kidding folks!
Hope you got a laugh out of that one ;)
It was actually something my DH requested that I make for him on his birthday. I had to work that night, so his official birthday dinner wasn't until the following Sunday (at The Cheesecake Factory...YUM), so when I was getting ready to slice and fry for his sandwiches, the back of the can just cracked me up! I've been opening cans of Spam since I was a kid and have to admit, it's a skill! But now they have the instructions right on the can, so anyone can do it!!'s just too funny.
Spam. People either love it or hate it. We have it about two or three times a year, always fried and in sandwich form and it usually makes my husband sing part of the old Monty Python Spam skit which is good for a laugh or two!
So anyway....I brined a turkey, best thing e.v.e.r. OMG, I'll never make a turkey any other way. So tender and juicy! We used the Williams Sonoma brand of brine mix, it was
We had all the regular stuff to go with it, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce (always from the can and after 30 years of slicing it, my mother tells me I'm doing it wrong!), pies, and then these:

the only thing I got a picture of during preparations because my camera battery died.
They were from the November issue (I think) of Everyday Food, shown here:

Super easy but they were HUGE when I baked them the next day, I'm not sure that we really liked them that much....they smelled and tasted great but eh. Nothing to write home about. Of course, everything else was to die for, but alas, no pics.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well and are gearing up for the holiday season now. I'm almost done with my shopping already! Yippee! Now I need to get my list ready for what all needs to be baked and what candies to make. Probably the same stuff as I always do, my peoples would probably kill me if I deviated any from the norm, lol! They wait all year, or at least that's what they say!
Stitching wise, working on a big sampler, will try to post of photo of that soon :)