OK, since it's obvious I can't think of anything more interesting to post about than my cupcake books,
whichdidn't even make it into the picture, this will be my last post for a while. I am sitting around here trying to think of things to post about, like the contents of my purse or what my favorite body lotions are, and I'm pretty sure that's not of much concern to anyone. Those that blog every day, I salute you! Not sure how you do it. Me, I'm just not
that much fun.
On the stitching front, I am trying to finish up something I've been hired to stitch.
I'd messed up on it big time and had to start completely over. OMG, such a bummer!
And I'm also working on my Village of Hawk Run Hollow, which has been posted about before on this blog,
one year ago,
and again hereHere it is in it's current state:

Since I stitch in hand, I have to work right to left because if I go the other way, it's too much to hold and problems start up in my hand and shoulder.

And I save filling in areas, like that bottom right block, for when I'm stitching with my friend, it's mindless enough (no counting), that I can chatter away and not have to worry about messing up.

Anyway, I'm working on it diligently so when it's finished I can start on Shores!
(Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only stitcher on the face of the earth stitching all of my Hawk Run pieces in DMC and not NPI silks. Love the silks, have a bunch, just chose to do my first one in DMC and stuck with it, so there)!
Also working on Summer House, an old Loose Feathers by Blackbird Designs.

It's not photographing well for whatever reason, but there it is.

So...back to work...lots of projects! Thanks for looking and take care!