Just kidding. I am pretty random about posting, true. I admire those gals that can find something to blog about almost every day. Me, it takes a while, ha!
So anyway, one of my very favorite bloggers, Terri(boog) had a drawing for her regular readers/commenter's, and yours truly won! I just couldn't believe it in the first place and then when the package showed up, I was in even more disbelief!
Look at the wonderful treasures she sent me:

A beautiful Longaberger basket full of treats and treasures! Fabric bundles (plus the wonderful BBD fabric the basket and goodies are sitting on), thread bobbins, rick-rack, pincushion, tape measure, dish full of buttons (squee!), vintage hankies, mother of pearl thread rings....

love these so much...

plus, some CHS stocking charts!

Such good taste in designs, don't you think?

Terri didn't know that I'd already done the Noah one, so I asked her if it was OK to offer it here and she said yes! So, if you'd like to have a chance at the NOAH stocking chart, please let me know that in your comment and I will draw a name for it next Wednesday, March 31. I have big plans for the Virtue Stocking, so it's not up for draw just yet ;-)
Thank you again Terri, for everything!! You just made my whole month with your sweet presents, and I treasure your friendship more than anything!
OK, on to the stitching news. I have been stitching on a couple of things, mainly this though:

Sorry for the wrinkles and curls, stitching in hand, things get crumpled, plus, it's big, so it's hard to get a good shot anyway...

but considering how long it's been since I'd last worked on it, I am proud of myself for picking it back up again and making a little progress....

MORE SNOW!! Yep, we got six inches on the first day of spring. That's big for us! I'm so over winter though, aren't you?

Well, in Pug news, one of them (Astro)thought he was Super Pug and jumped off the arm of the couch on to the tile part of the floor and when he landed hard on all four paws, one of his nails cracked right into the quick. Oh boy, did he bleed!!(His nails were way too long because ever since we brought Muttley home and he has conniption fits over nail clipping, he decided he could act the same, so it's a big production now and sometimes they get too long, talk about a bad doggie mom!) Anyway, we bandaged, and he was so sad about all the tape over the gauze, which he had to wear for a whole day before we could get him in to the vets office....

she took care of business (which I was afraid to do since it was so deep), and sent us home with antibiotics to keep infection away, and Astro wants me to tell y'all, this is the PUG APPROVED way of taking a pill:

(if you're a friend on Facebook, you've already seen this, so I'm sorry for the repeat...modern technology these days, lol!....like a friend says, now everyone can know at once when there's earth shattering news to share ;-) )
That's all I have for now dear readers! Don't forget to let me know if you're interested in the Noah chart, or if you have a friend that may be wanting it...
I will leave you now with just a random picture, I was just playing in the bowl of buttons with my CHS pincushions and liked this picture....
Lucky you winning Terri's giveaway! I don't need the Noah chart, but I just had to say! lol! And your Village is looking great too! Your poor pug, glad it's all fixed now and he's enjoying taking his meds. :D
Oh what an awesome giveaway~~~ Of course I would LOVE a crack at the Noah stocking.....been on my "wants" list for a while....And, those BBD ornies are to die for~~NICE! Faye
I know what you mean about time to post, I too have been remiss lately. Good to "hear" from you! Congrats on winning the give away and how great to share:) Sorry about your furry baby's nail. That had to hurt like.... Take care and keep in touch.
Oh no! I hope the little pug is o.k and recovers quicky.
Congrats! on the win, woohoo!!!
Villages looks great. Did you see I finished mine?
Please do not enter me for the draw, I have too much on my plate, I mean q-snaps now, lol
What a beautiful package of goodies you won! Enjoy them.
Your Village looks beautiful but then your stitching always does!
Poor Astro. I hope he feels better. Your Pugs are so cute!
I would love a chance to win that stocking. Please add my name. Thanks so much!
Couldn't happen to a sweeter gal! :-)
What an amazing gift from Terri, lucky you to win the draw. I love the photo of your pincushions at the bottom, very arty. Please include my name in the draw for the stocking, that one has been on my wish list for a while now. Take care, Sandra
I don't want to be entered for the stocking (I'm having enough trouble finishing up the Quaker one ;) ) but I love your progress on Village and your last picture of buttons and pincushions is delightful! :)
Ooh, I meant to say, sorry about Astro's little mishap, he looks a bit sorry for himself in the photo, poor thing.
What a lovely basket of goodies! I bet it was like Christmas opening it :-)
Nice stitching on HoHRH and I love your pincushions, especially the horse one.
Please count me in for the CHS stocking, i would love to stitch it.
Hope Astro heals quickly and fully, good tip for pet pill taking. Will have to try that with my cat.
I'm so glad you liked your package, Andrea! Your pictures are awesome and I love the last one of the CHS pincushions!
Poor little Astro - he looks so pitiful with his little foot all bandaged.
Great progress on your Village - it's gorgeous!
I don't want to sign up for the chart, but I just wanted to comment Congrats on your basket! And poor little Astro! He looks so sad! Hope he feels better soon.
That sure is a lovely Longaberger basket full of treats and treasures. I also very much like your pincushions displayed on the buttons. Its not normally my cup of tea but these are just beautiful. Nice progress on HoHRH. You are going to finish it soon, you will see. ; ) I remember the last draw on that stocking so I am definately going to enter it again seeing that I did not win it. : )) The other stocking is also to die for. Terri spoiled you and you deserve it. I know all about Astro. Hope the poor baby is better now. Nothing a bit of pampering and baby food cannot fix. At this rate he is going to break a leg next. Hope you have a lovely week.
Wowsers, that's a basket of heaven you won! And I do so love your display of CHS pincushions with that gorgeous dish and buttons!! Looks like a magazine layout!
Best wishes and comforting cuddles for your puppydog. Rigby always has trouble with his nails, so we sympathize!!
Wow... what a wonderful giveaway basket. Enjoy it all Andrea. You're making great progress on your Village of HRH and it looks fabulous.
Ahh... poor pup, I hope he heals quickly.
What a lovely basket of goodies! Congrats on your win! I would love to be entered for the Noah's Ark pattern. I've always wanted to stitch one of those stockings.
Your pincushion picture is wonderful! I love the finishes on all your unique designs.
So sorry to hear about your little pug! Hope he/she is feeling better really soon.
Take Care!
I'd love a crack at the Noah, too.
I have a Daily Bible up for grabs on my blog if you are interested.
Love your WIP. I need to buckle down and get some stitching done. I am trying to get a baby blanket done for my daughter's teacher. Her baby shower is the first Sat in April.
Have a wonderful day.
Poor, poor Astro...such a sad state of affairs! Hope he is all better soon.
Hawks is looking spectacular! And what a lucky lady you are to win such a bevy of treasures from Terri!! Enjoy them, you deserve it!
HRH is looking fabulous! You are really moving along. Congrats on the big win - what fun!!! I love the buttons. And your CHS pincushions are so lovely in that photo - how fun!
You have officially twisted my arm, Andrea. I'm trying to stitch what I already have, but I'm collecting the CHS stockings, and I don't yet own "Noah." Pretty please, could you enter me for your drawing?? Thanks for offering it.
You're also tempting me to stitch faster, because I have those CHS pincushions in my stash as well. I need more stitching time!!
Sorry about Astro's mishap. Speedy healing to the poor darling!
Nice goodies from Terri, and your HRH looks great! Hope your doggie is feeling better. Please enter me in your drawing!
That is a fantastic basket! Lucky you! The HRH is coming along nicely. I don't think I will attempt those until my kids are out of the house, otherwise they will be left completely and utterly neglected!
That is one incredible give away you won!!
I'd love a chance to win the stocking!
Poor little pug! Hope Astro is back in tip top shape in no time!
Holy crows, you won big!
Poor Astro! For Border Collies we poke a pill into cheese and, like a charm, down it goes...she might be willing to try baby food though!
Poor Astro! Oh well, I guess he gets extra pampering!
Love that giveaway from Terri! Lucky you! And I love those pincushions in the last pic! Awesome!
ps please don't include me in the drawing for the stocking.
What a lovely win from Terri. Such treasures. Poor wee pug with the bandage. Hope his nail is OK. I just adore those CHS pincushions in your last photo, I must go and check out that chart!! Please may I be in the draw for the stocking chart.
Ok, I have to admit to beginning your post being so happy for you that you won Terri's drawing then I saw that you also won the stocking charts and I became envious - I really want to stitch those - and then you said you were sharing and I was all happy for you again, lol! All that to say, please add me to the drawing and forgive my momentary jealousy.
Your CHS pincushions are just beautiful - are they all from the same chart? I haven't seen these.
Poor little Astro, I hope he heals quickly and the baby food is a great idea! I use to hide a pill in a piece of cheese and darn if my Spot didn't eat the cheese and spit the pill out - he was too smart for his own good.
Love your WIP, it is just beautiful. I am so glad that you picked it back - you are so close to finishing.
Enjoy your week, Andrea. I can't wait for the drawing next week.
Lucky lady to win such a great gift from Terri. She is so sweet! I would love a chance to win the Noah stocking ...thanks for the offer. Happy Easter! pj
Yay for you on the giveaway win! She gave you a great haul!!
I would, of course, love a chance at the Noah stocking so sign me up!! :)
Your Village looks amazing, and I adore those pincuchions! Excellent finishing with the beads!!
Oh, and poor Astro! I hope his little paw is better soon!!
just found your blog-
where have i been--duh
i love it
will sit and scroll through it this weekend
Great giveaway, congrats on winning. Love you HRH piece and the pin cushions, too cute.
Poor Astro, hope he's doing much better!
don''t nead da shart but my neeeeds more pillz.
drr jan said 1more month shold do it!!!
congrats on the win :) I cant belive that you all are still getting snow :( Is that normal for this time of yera in your area? I am sure once the summer comes around that snow would be a respit form the heat LOL
I would like to enter to win the NAOH chart. Thank you
OK, just who is teaching Astro these internet skillz??!!! This could be dangerous ;-)
it's fab you won!
yep gerber's chicken helps those nasty pills go down...or sugar...*wink*
your village? shut the door gorgeous!
pin cushios...be still my heart!
I don't know how I missed this post!!! The things from Terri are wonderful! She always puts some great things together.
And I love your pincushions too! And your Village - it looks wonderful.
I am so far behind on reading blogs but this gift you rec'd from Terri is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! HRH is looking great....thanks for sharing.
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