There really is something about that first bit of crisp air we get here in Texas...where the big sky is the most perfect shade of blue than any other time of year...that sets my heart all "a flutter". Aw, Fall. It's what gets me through the summer. In my entire life, it's always been my favorite time of the year. Always. Fall knows me like no other season...
"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth
seeking the successive autumns."
- George Eliot
Good things happen in the fall, like back in October of 1984 when my son was born...
and some traumatic things have happened as well, like the worst automobile wreck of my life in November of '97 and two weeks later, in December of that year (which usually still feels like Fall instead of Winter), my husband having a heart attack and almost dying...
but even as I was leaving the hospital to go home and tend to our children, walking to the (new-ish) car (the replacement for the totalled one, see above)...somehow I knew everything would be OK. Those leaves crunching under my feet promised me hope, I can't explain it, but there it is...
anyway, now it's almost 11 years since all that happened and we've been through a lot since that time too. We're all the better for it. Some people find hope and promise in Spring, but for us, our hearts are saved by Fall....
and some Fall and "Halloweenie" stitching to share...

again, with the craptastic pics, wish I had my old camera back!) sorry for the bad pictures...
This one is Trick or Treat by Shepherd's Bush

and this one is Pumpkin Hill...

also by Shepherd's Bush

There are some other fall finishes to share, hope to get a decent picture to post here soon.
In the meantime....enjoy the season and all it brings into our lives...we're so lucky to live in a free country, where we aren't forced to be one way or the other and we are free and ABLE to vote where our
hearts lead us, and free to enjoy the people and places and things that mean the most to us...and know that they love us and enjoy us in return...
Godspeed my friends...