This finish has been a WIP for oh, about seven years. I've posted about it before, my plans were to try and finish it up back then, but it never happened. Oh well, better late than never.
Am I the only person having issues with Blogger and their new improved stuff? OY! I can't get this text aligned right, no matter how many times I push the button, it's driving me MAD!! HELP!
Well, anyway, here's the stashing order from Pineberry Lane
Some charts I've wanted for a while, some scissors, bobbins, fabric, and rusty jingle bells.
I love all of it, although I'm not too sure what to do with the bobbins, they're bigger than I expected :-)
I think they can be used for the bases of pincushions or "make do's". Hmm....
It is SO hot here! Even indoors, taking pictures for this blog, I broke out in perspiration! Summer is just not my favorite time of year, although, we do have the big birthday week coming up in our family, first my daughter has hers on the 30th, mine on the 1st and they're always followed up by the fireworks on the 4th, so that part of summer is usually fun :-) After that, it's just a countdown until Autumn!
Stay cool my friends. Stitch much. Be happy!