May 29, 2008

feelin' stitchy

After a week and a half of being miserable with a cold bug, I can tell things are starting to get better...I can take a breath now without a cough attached to the end of it. AND! I'm feeling all "stitchy"! Besides working on my "for hire" piece, there are a few other things in the works...several in fact, I'm bee-bop and scattin' all over the place! What FUN!

Since this is the only thing with much progress on it, it's all I took a picture of..

You know, I'd sworn I wasn't going to cave into this one, but geesh, it's too perfect for me, don't you think?

The buttons haven't been sewn on yet, they'll go on last...

Meanwhile, other goings on include this:

which is quite the handful, as you can imagine.
He's already wrapped himself snugly around our hearts though :)

May 22, 2008

fangs for the memories

What do you get when two pugs think it's great fun to wrestle on your lap?

even when you feel bad from a cold's their job to entertain you...

and help you eat your mashed potatoes...

and be calm in Dad's lap...

Pugs! They're just here to help you out :)

May 16, 2008

more pug news

It took me 27 tries to get this one shot of Muttley (aka: Devil Dog, Scrappy, You Little Sh*t)...he doesn't sit still for long...

most of his days are spent biting ankles, or Astro....

not much stitching to report...nights have been spent at work and days are spent trying to catch a nap. It took me four hours to get them to lie down for just under one hour...but how sweet it was...

we've had territorial wars, running, chasing, biting, house-training, growling, barking, happy Pugs, pissed off Pugs, licking, chewing, jumping, bringing in sticks and shredding them all over the house, piddles, poops, medicines, crunchy treats, chewy treats, socks everywhere, sweet puppy breath and ankle biting.

That's our house this week. Just call us the Muttley Crew.

I did mention the ankle biting, right? I have the fang marks to prove it.

Happy weekend, y'all!

May 14, 2008

how could we?

How could we forget? It's only been 17 months since we brought a baby Astro pug home and went through all the puppy stuff, which is a lot like having a human baby....
and I guess since he's such a good dog, and was so easy to train, we just plum forgot what work it can be.

Here's our Muttley Puggly, aka: Devil Dog, in a rare peaceful moment...

and suckling in his sleep....

All the Pugs are getting along well, although Astro is not real sure how to handle the constant ankle biting Muttley does. It took Devil Dog about 3.2 minutes to adjust to our family and he's been trying to dominate everything and everybody since that time. Interesting!

So we're adjusting....cupcakes help :)

May 11, 2008

may 11th

Mother's Day Glitter Graphics

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Meet my present....

He's Astro's brother, and his name is Muttley. He's 8 weeks old and from the same mother and father Pugs that Astro is from.

A gift from my oldest daughter :)

May 08, 2008

that's all folks

OK, since it's obvious I can't think of anything more interesting to post about than my cupcake books, two
of which
didn't even make it into the picture, this will be my last post for a while. I am sitting around here trying to think of things to post about, like the contents of my purse or what my favorite body lotions are, and I'm pretty sure that's not of much concern to anyone. Those that blog every day, I salute you! Not sure how you do it. Me, I'm just not that much fun.

On the stitching front, I am trying to finish up something I've been hired to stitch.
I'd messed up on it big time and had to start completely over. OMG, such a bummer!

And I'm also working on my Village of Hawk Run Hollow, which has been posted about before on this blog, one year ago, and again here

Here it is in it's current state:

Since I stitch in hand, I have to work right to left because if I go the other way, it's too much to hold and problems start up in my hand and shoulder.

And I save filling in areas, like that bottom right block, for when I'm stitching with my friend, it's mindless enough (no counting), that I can chatter away and not have to worry about messing up.

Anyway, I'm working on it diligently so when it's finished I can start on Shores!
(Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only stitcher on the face of the earth stitching all of my Hawk Run pieces in DMC and not NPI silks. Love the silks, have a bunch, just chose to do my first one in DMC and stuck with it, so there)!

Also working on Summer House, an old Loose Feathers by Blackbird Designs.

It's not photographing well for whatever reason, but there it is.

So...back to work...lots of projects! Thanks for looking and take care!

May 07, 2008

cupcake fever

Have you ever in your life seen a cuter sewing basket? My sweet friend Kim sent it to me and I love it! It's just perfect for me, don't-cha think?!

Believe it or not, these are not all of my baking books, just the cupcake related ones :)

There are all sorts of new ones out now, and of course, I must have them all! Eventually ;)

May 06, 2008

commercial songs

Isn't it funny how advertisers use old songs for commercials and then kids today think the songs are new and they have to be told that no, that song came out thirty years ago. And they look at you like you're an alien.

But then these car commercials come out and use newer "hipper" songs (that old people probably aren't supposed to "get") and even though you're an alien, you track down the song on that new fangled intranets and get hooked on it and sing it night and day.

Um hum, you know who I'm talking about. Here's the song from that Acura commercial.
Listen at your own risk...

May 05, 2008

secret flower bed

Another recent finishing job I got back from the finisher...

Secret Flower Bed by The Trilogy

I just love her!

May 04, 2008

my frappa

Here's my Frappucino, all finished up and back from the finisher

It's just about perfect, don't ya think?

May 03, 2008

definitions of pooped

Did you know that shiny silver/blue cars attract well fed, springtime birds?

um-hum, they do...

and when you wear a Pug slap out, he's not real happy about getting up and going to bed....

(yes, posting every day means there will be silly posts ;) )

May 02, 2008

it's alive!

The BIGGEST, and the OLDEST wip in my pile...has managed to work it's way out of my closet again and into the living area...

The largest "BAP" of them all, "And They Sinned". Started in 2002, last stitched on in 2003. Not even half finished.

Not sure why it's tormenting me now, but there it is.

May 01, 2008

post every day in may?

Somewhere, on one of the blogs I read, there was mention of blogging every day in May...a group of bloggers doing that? Not sure, but I figure "why not"? Maybe you all will get sick of me, but I will try my hardest to make a post every day. In May. OK?

So here we go!

We made these last night:

Fried green tomatoes! Oh my gosh, we haven't had any in ages and we love them so much! They are sweet and sour and crispy...heaven!

There's no secret to making them, so easy it's silly.

Get a green tomato, wash it up.
Slice it thinly or thickly, however you like.
Mix together in a bowl, 2 parts cornmeal to one part flour, season it with salt and pepper.
In large skillet, preheat your oil, you want it pretty hot but not smoking.
Dip your tomato slice into the cornmeal mixture, press down on it all over ( I use my hands), lay on a paper towel until ready to fry.
Fry each slice until golden brown on each side. Drain on paper towels and eat right away!
