January 26, 2009

rainy days and mondays...

Remember that song?

Wow, I sure did love her....what a voice.

Anyhoo...I'm not blue, just thought of that song since it's Monday. And it's rainy, ha! We're in for an ice storm here in North Texas, tonight and through tomorrow. Ugh, wouldn't bother me except that I'll probably have to go to work in it instead of snuggling in with the pugs for a stitch-fest. If I'm really lucky, it'll be bad enough for them to close up and I won't have to go in....but that's only happened once in 12 years so not holdin' my breath here.

On the stitching front, I recently finished the first part of the Loose Feathers Mystery Sampler (Blackbird Designs)....

I'm so far behind on all these. The plan is to stitch them all on separate pieces of fabric and the stitch them all together when done. Kind of doubting this choice since seeing it done on one piece and how pretty that was/is. Too late now though!

Stay warm and safe, and have a great week ya'll!


Donna said...

Great job stitching. I am hoping for a close down due to the weather tomorrow. But you know how Texas is. Hit or a miss. Did you get snow on Easter a couple of years ago? We did.

Michelle said...

Ice storms, really? I'd better check the weather before I head to school tonight. I could sure use a night snuggled up at home. I love your mystery sampler, and I think it will be fantastic on different fabrics.

CindyMae said...

Your sampler is just lovely!! Here is West Texas, we are just a little on the cold side. I wish we would have an ice storm so I could stay in as well! LOL, I don't think that is going to happen though!

Siobhán said...

Wow, I love it, Andrea! I have this ready to go, of course, just actually have to start stitching. I chickened out & have just one honkin' big cut of Irish Creme. I'll enjoy watching yours grow on the different fabrics. Did you hear about ME Home Companion?? I just heard today that it's ceased publication & am so sad. :(

Cindy F. said...

I sure hope the ice doesn't hit Fort Worth, where ds is! I'll be worried....more than usual;) ..lol..
Funny, we have north, west and I'm in south central Texas...we need someone repping from the east!!
Your stitching is beautiful! Can't wait to see more progress:)
Stay safe and warm:)

Annemarie said...

I hope you're safe and warm and that you got your cuddle time with the pugs instead of going to work.
I'm so excited to see the Loose Feathers Mystery sampler being stitched up! In fact, I think I prefer the mystery samplers to the 'real' ones.

TinaTx said...

Hey Andrea - small world - that clock is in Jacksonville! Does he remember when it chimed?

Unknown said...

Hello Twin! So glad to hear you like slippery nightgowns too! You are right, I have to go far and wide to find them, too! I have secretly thought what a great company to start - beautiful slippery nightgowns for ladies over size 4. My husband will buy me short ones at Christmas, and never fail, they don't cover everything while you are sleeping!
I love this mystery sampler. Does this mean you didn't know what it would be as you stitched it? I just adore your stitching! E

Denise said...

Oh wow...I haven't thought of Steve Callahan in years. (Connect those dots!!!)